
Join former admissions officers as they discuss case studies from students who were accepted to Ivy League and other top universities, including Stanford and MIT last year. What was their hook – and how did they get in? In this webinar you and your child will learn:
• Strategies on how to build a unique, differentiated profile
• How to leverage early decision to maximize your child’s outcomes
• Essay topics that will resonate best with college admissions officers
• What admissions officers at elite universities are truly looking for in applicants

Stephen Friedfeld was an Assistant Dean of admissions at Cornell for four years and an Associate Dean of graduate admissions at Princeton University for six years. Stephen is an IECA Associate Member.
Obi Eneh worked as an admissions reader at Johns Hopkins University and an admissions consultant for EducationUSA.

Date & time:
Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 8:00 pm EST
Register: https://acceptu.com/webinars/elite-applicants


Ivy League and “Ivy peers” are some of the most competitive universities in the United States. Beyond achieving excellent grades and scores, students must set themselves apart on all aspects of the application. Join us as we discuss what it truly takes to get into the Ivy League today. In this webinar you and your child will learn:

  • How to build a compelling, differentiated profile that will stand out
  • Advice on avoiding overrepresented and cliché extracurricular activities
  • What weight Ivy admissions officers give to each component of the application
  • The impact a student’s intended major can have on likelihood of admission

Stephen Friedfeld is the co-founder and COO of AcceptU. He received a BA from Cornell University, an MA from Columbia University Teachers College, and a Ph.D. from Rice University. Prior to founding AcceptU, Stephen was an Assistant Dean of admissions at Cornell for four years and an Associate Dean of graduate admissions at Princeton University for six years. Stephen is an IECA Associate Member.

Date & time:
Thursday, October 26 at 8:00 pm EDT
Register: https://acceptu.com/webinars/ivy-cls

2023年全是福中文学校Summer Outing活动

Summer Outing活动是我们全是福中文学校的传统活动,这项活动是由义工和学校老师以及家长们共同组织完成的,这一次活动我们主要从三个方面的来准备,第一:准备孩子们喜欢的活动;第二:准备好美食;第三:准备好回复家长们对学校课程安排的一些问题。







Majors in STEM offer students an opportunity to pursue highly in-demand careers. Join former admissions offers and learn:
• What admissions officers are looking for in STEM applicants
• How to engage in meaningful extracurricular and summer activities
• What academic program is the best path for your child
• The importance of academic competitions

• Stephen Friedfeld was an Assistant Dean of admissions at Cornell University and an Associate Dean of admissions at Princeton University.
• Abby worked in admissions at Purdue University and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

Thursday, 5/25, 8 pm EDT
Register: https://acceptu.co/CLSWebinar0523





时间:4/5(Wed), 8 pm EDT
报名链接: https://acceptu.co/CLSWebinar0423

【AcceptU Advisor一对一咨询】
地点:WeChat/Phone Call

From an admissions standpoint, a strong academic profile alone is not enough to gain admission into highly selective colleges and universities. Applicants must also convey to admissions committees a purposeful commitment to involvement and leadership outside the classroom. In this webinar you and your child will learn:

• Why extracurricular and summer activities matter to admissions officers
• Which activities provide applicants with opportunities to differentiate themselves
• How leadership is evaluated – and what other qualities colleges are looking for
• The most common misconceptions about extracurricular activities

Session One: Webinar
4/5, Wed, 8-9 pm EDT
Speaker: Sarah Pinson has more than seven years of admissions and advising experience at several institutions, including Emory University, College of Charleston and Vanderbilt.
Register: https://acceptu.co/CLSWebinar0423

Session Two: Consultation (15 minutes call/WeChat call)
Discuss your child’s academic background, interests, and goals with the AcceptU’s advisor.
Register: https://acceptu.co/AUCollegecounseling





泽瑞:尊敬的各位来宾,大家晚上好, 我是八年级的学生陈泽瑞




All: 我们祝大家 兔年大吉, “兔”飞猛进, 大展宏“兔”, “兔”be NO.1

泽瑞:下面请欣赏学校舞蹈队表演的开场舞《祝福你》 表演者:1. Lily Li 2. Lucy Li 3. Renia Liao 4. sophia zhou 5. Kristina Pan 6. An Wang 7. Evelyn Shen

周洲:非常感谢舞蹈队的精彩表演,下面欣赏CSL班Lydia Peterson, Izzy Corrato, Kiera Bedretdinov带来的歌曲《采蘑菇的小姑娘》

王谙:CSL班同学唱得可真的太好了,希望下次可以多唱几首,一首歌实在太少了。 接下来欢迎K班的小朋友表演歌曲“新年好”

欣然:K班的小朋友唱得真棒。 过新年,人团圆!今天我们中文学校各位老师同学和家长欢聚一堂,请欣赏一年级同学带 来的儿童律动“恭喜恭喜”,场下愿意和一年级同学一起做的请站起来,让我们一起恭贺大家 在新年里好运连连!

泽瑞:感谢一年级同学的带来律动“恭喜恭喜”,下面请一年级游成楷同学表演空手道,大家 掌声欢迎!

周洲:谢谢游成楷同学的表演,非常棒!下面请欣赏芭蕾舞蹈:仙女娃娃 fairy doll ,表演者:二年级Evelyn Shen

欣然:Evelyn Shen的表演太精彩了,下面请欣赏二胡独奏 《拉骆驼》,表演者:二年级开铱

泽瑞:下面请欣赏六年级同学带来的舞蹈《扇舞袭香》,表演者:1. Olivia Bao 2. Enora Wang 3. Anna Wu and 4.Eddia Liao


欣然:大家知道吗,台湾有一个著名的旅游景点,叫做澎湖,歌曲《外婆的澎湖湾》就是描写 那里的景色,这首歌的歌词会让人想起和外婆在一起的点点滴滴。接下来请欣赏三年级同 学演唱的歌曲《外婆的澎湖湾》

王谙:贺新年,祝新年,新年啊,年连年。 四年级的全体小朋友祝愿大家都过个太平年

泽瑞:欢快的锣鼓敲起来!它代表着吉祥、幸福、快乐、平安和健康!让我们敲起来,舞起 来!祝福我们的学校红红火火越来越棒!越来越有朝气!请欣赏六年级为大家表演的《欢 庆鼓》

周洲:绕口令,大家肯定都练过,难度是相当的大啊。 如果把绕口令编成歌来唱一定很有挑战,下面请欣赏我们班同学带来的歌曲联唱《中国 话》和《桃花笑》


泽瑞:风雨送春归; 飞雪迎春到。 金虎送春去,玉兔迎春来。我们学校八年级的同学们已经 在中文学校度过了将近九年的快乐时光,今天我们将为大家带来一个三句半的表演: 欢欢 喜喜过大年



泽瑞:我们又一起度过了一个欢乐的新年 周洲:热热闹闹的才是它应该有的样子 王谙:我会把它牢牢地记在心里 欣然:我们CCLS永远是一家人 泽瑞:感谢老师和同学们 周洲:感谢各位叔叔阿姨们 All:所有的朋友们,我们明年再聚!


10/27关于大学招生的 5 个最常见的解答


Doing poorly in advanced classes. Participating in 15 extracurricular activities. Sending in extra letters of recommendation. These are all myths about the college application process that have persisted over the years. However, don’t always believe what you hear. In this webinar you will learn:

• How important are extracurricular activities in college admissions
• Whether applying to undersubscribe majors will increase the likelihood of acceptance
• If universities can only take a certain number of students from each high school

Stephen Friedfeld was an Assistant Dean of admissions at Cornell for four years and an Associate Dean of graduate admissions at Princeton University for six years.
Obi Eneh worked as an admissions reader at Johns Hopkins University.

Session One: Webinar
10/27 at 8pm EDT
Register: https://acceptu.co/CLS102722

Session Two: Consultation
Discuss your child’s academic background, interests, and goals with the AcceptU’s advisor. Learn AcceptU’s programs, fees & next steps.
10/19-29, 9 am-5 pm EDT, 15 minutes phone session
Register: https://acceptu.co/CollegeCounseling

2022 Nashua Multi Culture Festival


9/17/2022,晴,我们中文学校协同Nashua华协,参加了2022 Nashua Multi Culture Festival。这次活动由Nashua附近来自世界各地的居民举办,旨在促进多民族大融合。活动完全是免费的,有舞台表演,各种食物,Icecream,小礼物,手工活动。






• 进行不同essay的案例分析
• 揭秘招生官们喜欢看什么样的essay
• 鉴别很多人认为的“申请技巧”其实是“申请误区”

Speaker: Sarah Pinson has more than seven years of admissions and advising experience at several institutions, including Emory University, College of Charleston and Vanderbilt.

Session One: Webinar
8/10 at 8pm EDT
Register: https://acceptu.com/webinars/standout-essay-cls

Session Two: Consultation
Discuss your child’s academic background, interests, and goals with the AcceptU’s advisor. Learn AcceptU’s programs, fees & next steps.
8/4-16, 9am-5pm EDT, 15 minutes phone session
Register: https://acceptu.co/CLS0822