我们特别邀请到 USC前招生官Leslie和JHU前招生官Obi 全面解析大学申请的关键环节,从活动规划到心理健康,全方位赋能家长,助力孩子在人生的重要节点迈出扎实的一步!

- 课外活动规划:大学招生官究竟青睐什么样的课外活动?是奖项的积累,还是独特的兴趣探索?如何从众多兴趣中挑选并深入参与?
- 访校与选校策略:
访校不仅是了解校园文化的机会,更是展示兴趣与匹配度的好时机。该如何规划访校行程,帮助孩子找到最适合的大学? - 目标设定与时间管理:如何利用暑假和空闲时间高效准备,帮助孩子制定清晰的申请目标与时间表,避免拖延?
- 心理健康与压力管理:如何帮助孩子应对申请季的焦虑、保持积极的心态?同时,家长如何调适自己的情绪,与孩子建立支持性沟通?
Session One:线上讲座
报名方式:请用以下链接/二维码报名。报名后会收到确认邮件,在邮件里,你将看到“Join Webinar”的字样。在讲座举办的时间,点击“Join Webinar”即可参与。
时间:12月10日 (周二), 8 pm EST

Session Two:1对1咨询
报名方式:请用以下链接/二维码报名,或者直接添加AcceptU小助手微信。在你预约的时间,AcceptU Advisor 会用语音的方式提供申请咨询,以及介绍AcceptU服务项目。
报名链接: acceptu.co/introcallwithCathy


A Note from AcceptU’s Founders
We met in the admissions office at Cornell University more than 20 years ago. Today, AcceptU is the #1 rated admissions consulting firm, with hundreds of 5-star verified reviews.
Our biggest asset and differentiator is – and always has been – our exceptional team of counselors, all of whom are former admissions officers from highly selective colleges and universities. Leveraging their prior admissions experience, AcceptU’s counselors empower our clients with the inside knowledge and actionable guidance that enables them to stand out and get admitted to the schools of their choice.
We work with our clients on every aspect of the admissions process – from early planning through completion of the application materials. AcceptU’s program was developed from the ground up to be delivered online – a convenient, flexible and innovative approach to admissions counseling. Our counselors work, on average, with just eight students per class year, ensuring high engagement, commitment and responsiveness.
Over the years, we have worked with thousands of students from around the world and delivered tens of thousands of hours of counseling. The results are clear: we consistently place more than 90% of our clients into one of their top three choices and our clients are, on average, four times more likely to be admitted with us than if they apply on their own. Simply put, our approach to admissions counseling works.
We invite you to learn more about AcceptU and we look forward to supporting you in the admissions process.